About Us

Located in beautiful Richmond, BC Canada.
#4 11191 Horseshoe Way
Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30-4:00

TOLL FREE: 1-877-208-5918

Closed all holidays.


We are NOT open to the public.

We are a Hobby Wholesaler that has been in the hobby trade for over 40 years.

We carry over 50 product lines with some of them exclusive for Canada.

We sell only to Hobby Retailers and not to the public.

For the convenience of the hobbyist, our product list is available with suggested retail pricing.

Retailers with an actual "Brick and Mortar" store that are interested in opening an account can

contact jason@pmhansen.com for a customer startup package. We will not sell to online only retailers.


If you are looking for a retailer near you, please email info at pmhansen.com or contact us @ 604-271-1213.

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